sábado, 4 de junho de 2011

04 de Junho de 2011

Once upon a time….

Once upon a time , there was a girl with  golden hair and green eyes.
Everywhere she went our everything she did was full of light and happiness, everything had magic in the middle, there were rainbows all around.
One day that girl woke up, and everything was gone, all the light, all the magic. There was only dark now. No more smiles. No more Hope. No more Love.
That girl with golden hair and green eyes it’s me.
You see, when you make a lot a mistakes and you don’t even see it, in a very short time, your world will totally fall at your feet, and you feel so lost, that won’t know what to do next.
And even when you try to get your world up again, there will be always people bringing to the dark side, so you can’t happy again. Because the people you left behind, don’t want to understand what you feel , or why you did what you did.
A simple mistake can crush your life, our a big part of it, and nobody is going to help you. 

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